Thursday, December 15, 2016

Aldious - Yoshi ("The Women of J-Rock" Series)

Aldious Yoshi! This is the second painting in a continuing series entitled "The Women of J-Rock". I have drawn great inspiration from J-Rock and J-Metal during 2015 and 2016. Their musicianship, music videos and themes of romance, fantasy, plus positive, fiery, empowered energy have resonated with me. These bands are truly world class, among the best music in the galaxy. J-Rock is on another level altogether.

This series, beginning with Aldious (one of the bands whose music introduced me to J-Rock initially), is dedicated to the empowered, wildly talented and astounding, trailblazing female warriors of rock n' roll. As I work on commissions and other projects, I endeavor to find time to create images dedicated to more J-Rock bands/musicians, expanding on this series. I have some bands/artists in mind, yet who is next to appear in the series remains a mystery...

Detail image:

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Castleparts Strategy Game - 16/24-Bit Pixel Art

This year, I have been working on an indie game entitled Castleparts, generating original 16 bit style pixel assets for Pixelpocalypse games. A procedurally generated strategy game, art I have produced includes 32x32 environment tiles, large retro character animations, etc. This is the first game with an emphasis on procedurally generated screens I have worked on.

Planning out the tiles to be fairly "standalone" has been an interesting departure from the interlocking tiles I have created in the past. Some tiles are interlocking, such as walls, and waterways, yet the overall theme is of tiles similar to overhead view of Dragon Quest (Dragon Warrior US), Rampart or retro RPG's. The game is in development, and will be released in the near future.

Some medieval architecture:
Manor home or sanctuary mega tile...

Interlocking wall parts

 Overworld tiles:

Cannon Ball

A few of the 42 interlocking water tiles I generated for rivers, lakes, etc, for water feature combos: 

Playable character profiles (for dialogue boxes), Noble, Goblin, Wizard) ...

"Skeleton Thief" NPC walk cycles and defeat animation:

Ogre NPC animations:

Spells and Effects: