Sunday, April 7, 2013
Update: Corexit
The corexit oil spill mural was officially painted over recently on Orange Ave. The building it was painted on apparently changed hands. It lasted quite a while on the wall (around months), far longer than many of the participating artists murals painted during Going Vertical - Part of the Sarasota Chalk Fest. Some of the other murals only lasted a week or so, being immediately painted over inside the Burns Court district right after the Chalk Fest ended. Alas! Why be attached to such things! More works are yet to manifest! Yet still it is important to note the resistance to murals in Sarasota, as a thriving art-community, in comparison to other places. If we limit ourselves to Flamingos and Palm Tree Art, aren't we missing valuable perspectives, the diversity of which is a noted hallmark of arts cities in general?